In mid October I went on a small boating trip with a friend of mine on Lake Bacău, the "too-familiar" place where I used to go swimming when I was a kid. He did some monitoring and waste management round the area, I did some shooting. Good deal!  

    Just a snack :

    Went on a road trip today, early this morning ... reaaaally early! But considering it was a darn foggy morning and I did woke up at 6AM (!!), it turned out to be a really pleasant ride. The coffee played it's role, of course, on the 'pleasant' part and the sightseeing helped also, but I'm afraid I wasn't able to capture anything interesting thru the whole 260km. All I had to shoot was , well, the darn fog!

    ... oh, and yes, the sightseeing!

    Grilled chicken with garlic sauce:

    You can see Mount Ceahlău in the background.

    The last two are taken at Lake Bicaz.


Amateur photographer. Professional nerd. Bogdan Bontaș | Create Your Badge

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