E ora 12 si inca se lucreaza

   Astazi dimineata a avut loc o puternica explozie intr-un bloc de locatari de pe strada Martir Horia, Bacau. Din cate am inteles este vorba de o acumulare de gaze care a produs intreaga explozie. Doua persoane au ajuns in stare grava la spital. Din fericire nimeni nu a decedat insa pagubele sunt enorme. Abia m-am intors de acolo si, avand in vedere ca au trecut cateva ore bune de la deflagratie, inca se simte un miros innecacios pe toata aria accidentului. 

     On my way Răcăciuni, some couple of days ago, I passed by this district heating power plant, operating at its full capacity. I stopped the car near the road and snapped some photos away, cause I thought that backlit steam cloud would make a good picture. I was right :)

    Oh, and by the way, that's not pollution, that's just water steam blowing off. But people like calling it that way, it's more catchy :)
    I'm proud to say that I just had the great opportunity to play around, for the first time, with some very old, very special film cameras!
    They belong to the father of a friend of mine, who, in his youth, had the passion of capturing and framing those special moments in time. Yes, I'm talking about photography. He owns no more than three slr cameras, all in good condition, still working just fine, still snapping pictures like they used to do 30 years ago. We started talking and he told me that, besides making pictures, he used to have his dark room too, where he would develop the roles by himself. The pictures would usually go on 8x10 prints, but occasionally he would go on and print even larger formats, for the local school, end-of-the-year-Christmas-party group shots.
    Here's the Zenit with a 50mm f2.0. In perfectly good condition, I even snapped away a few frames. I couldn't believe how bright the viewfinder was!

     A Yashica FX-3 Super  coupled with a 50mm f1.8. This one is a bit newer, not as old as the Zenit, and you can tell that from the materials they used to built the body, which are lighter and more plasticy. 

     The other one I couldn't figure out what model was it, but it too was in working order, it was the largest of the three and also, had a 50 stuck to it. 
      I don't know about you, but I'm just dying to go buy a Kodachrome and take this babies out for a walk!
      I think having a only 36 frames limit in your light-proof box is such a creativity catalyst that it can open your eyes in a way digital cameras nowadays fail to do it most of the times. 
 ... or a big withe goose, or a swan, or a Cygnus olor

 Btw, I think I've seen this picture a thousand times before, don't you?:D
     Meatballs with bellows cheese and mămăligă.

    Baked beans with bacon and homemade pickles:

    An irresistible fatty treat for the ones that are skipping Nativity Fast:
    Donner "chicken and feta" kebab


Amateur photographer. Professional nerd. Bogdan Bontaș | Create Your Badge

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